The client is a 45 y.o. female from Sitka, Alaska with a 14 year history of relapse-remitting MS. She is taking medication for spasticity and is very heat sensitive. She has no other significant past medical history. The patient was referred to a community-based wellness program for persons with chronic neurological disorders. She wants to be able to walk further without a cane, but is also afraid of falling due to ataxia.
Her laboratory data:
Height 55
Weight 108 pounds
Resting HR 82 bpm
Resting Blood Pressure 100/81
BMI 18.5 kg/m2
VO2max: 24.3 ml/kg/min
Subject unable to balance on one foot for any length of time.Overall muscular strength was above average, but muscular endurance was poor in the lower body.
About Your Assignment
Answer the following questions on the case study above. Submit your answers in this assignment portal.
1. Based on her information, what risk factor may she have that could have triggered her MS? Explain. (.5 pts)2. Cardio: What mode and why? How can this help? (1 pt)3. Resistance training: Intensity? (1 pt)4. Flexibility: When? (.25 pt)5. What are some precautions that will need to be taken into account to ensure safe exercise for her? (1 pt)