Literary Analysis 2: Final Paper


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  • Understand the general nature, purposes, and techniques of literature with a sense of its relationship to life and culture.
  • Recognize a representative selection of literary works by major writers (including notable stylistic devices and features) representing a diversity of prominent historical and cultural traditions and issues.
  • Understand the biographical, historical, and cultural contexts of a representative selection of works by major writers.
  • Identify the relationships among the literary works studied and the philosophical, religious, political, social, and economic milieus of the cultures and subcultures within and among which they were written.
  • Engage and respond to literary texts personally and creatively.
  • Think, write, and speak about literary texts critically and effectively.

Literary Analysis 2 Final Paper Instructions (Due in Week 8)

Write and submit a five- to eight-page literary analysis on any of the texts we’ve read this term, excluding A Raisin in the Sun. In addition to the close-reading skills you’ve used to develop your essay in weeks 1 and 2, you will be incorporating sources into your assignment. A minimum of three intelligent sources must be used to develop your idea in this paper. The source can be about your text directly, or it can be about the idea you are writing about (such as water/ice, murder, siblings, money, etc.). You may use a source you have already employed in DFs of week 6 or 7. If needed, see  on how to locate and evaluate a good source. You might also want to visit the library. It may help you remember some of the work you did with locating sources in Comp II. Remember, you will need to include an APA or Turabian Reference page since you are using sources in this paper.

Additionally, please review “How to Write a Literary Analysis” to help explain what the assignment is, how to complete it, and how it will be graded via the rubric.