Catherine Owens sports law

Please submit your research paper topic and answers to questions below. Your research paper may be on any aspect of sports law. Students are encouraged to do some research to find a topic of interest. For additional information on the Research Paper Assignment, please see the directions for the Week 6 Research Paper assignment.

For this week’s assignment, students must address the following four questions:

  1. What is your topic?
  2. What is your thesis statement?
  3. Why you want to write on this topic?
  4. How you are going to defend your thesis statement? Specifically, provide four (5) scholarly resources you intend to use. Make sure that you have put them in proper APA format. You will need a total of ten (10) resources for Week 6 assignment.

Please make sure I have approved your topic BEFORE you start writing. Some examples of possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • The use of performance enhancing drugs (the legal aspects)
  • Outside inappropriate behavior impacting role on professional sports team (First Amendment and criminal issues)
  • Tort liability in the field of sports products
  • Contract breaches
  • Amateurism in intercollegiate athletics
  • Gender testing in sports (the legal aspects)
  • Risk management at sports facilities