biology research paper

PLESE NOTE: Your entire assignment must be at least a total of 3 pages long, in order to receive full credit (12 point, double-spaced, Times New Roman font).

1. Please search on-line and find one article that discusses a biological topic that is of interest to you. Your article may come from a science journal (such as Science, Nature, etc), or it can be an article from the news.  However, be sure that your article is long enough to a three page report.

2. Your entire assignment is based on ONE article.

3. PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT a research paper. You are only going to work with  ONE article of your choice. Please do not use more than one article as a reference to complete this assignment.

4. The assignment should have the following three sections: (1) Introduction, (2) Connections, and (3) Conclusion. Please make sure that these sections are clearly labeled on your paper.

A. Introduction: 

This part should be at least a one-page summary of the article (12 point, double-spaced, Times New Roman Font). Start by providing the name of the article, name of author, journal where it was published, and date of your source. Please provide the web-site link of your article. 
Clearly explain the topic, and state the points that the paper is making. What issue(s) was/were addressed by the author? At what conclusions did the author arrive?

B. Connections: 

This part should be half a page long (12 point, double-spaced, Times New Roman Font). Please try to answer as many of the following questions, as long as they are relevant to your topic. Which chapter(s) or topic(s) that we have discussed in class relate to this chapter? Have you had previous courses or experiences that helped you relate to this material? What material in the paper was particularly interesting to you? In this part I want to see you making connections between material discussed in class and the importance of this material in the real world. It is entirely appropriate for students who have work or research experience to draw connections to the papers. You may also include material from other classes such as anthropology, sociology, nutrition, etc.

C. Conclusion:
This part should be two pages long (12 point, double-spaced, Times New Roman Font). Now, please bring everything together in the conclusion and state an opinion of the topic of the paper. How relevant was the topic? Do you think you have enough information to support or rebut the authors conclusions? Why or why not?

Your entire assignment must be a total of at least 3 pages long, in order to receive full credit (12 point, double-spaced, Times New Roman font).