A position paper is about your taking a position (for or against, generally) on an issue or opinion that is debatable. From reading your paper, your position should become clear and valid. Developing the argument and organizing the paper are vital for a good position paper. It is also important to illustrate that you are aware of all sides of or differing views on the issue, even though you do not have to address all of those in a short paper like this one. Good evidence (relevant borrowings, appropriately cited) helps to support your argument over likely counterclaims.
For the assignment use the readings that are attached. In those readings you will be
able to identify a few primary arguments, and some secondary arguments. Your job is to assert
your position along such a primary argument(s), and assemble the necessary evidence apropos
that argument(s). You will, generally, agree or disagree with the claim/question that has been
posed to you, although, sometimes, you might feel ambivalent. Regardless, you have to glean the most relevant evidence from the readings, and search for supporting evidence from other sources (facts, figures, writings, etc.), and even offer your own opinion/insight (this, however, should be minimal, unless you have evidence to prove your point).
The arguments should be logical, limpid, and concise. The paper should begin with a quick
introduction of the issue and your position, a main body in which you discuss your position in
detail, with appropriate evidence to support your position, as well as address any key counterclaims or criticisms, and a conclusion where you briefly reiterate your main position and
the key arguments. Remember, the position paper should not be about 900 words. Also, remember to cite and reference adequately and properly (use APA style).

I. Introduction
A. Introduce the topic
B. Provide background on the topic
C. Assert the thesis (your view of the issue)
II. Counter Argument (dont make this section very long)
A. Summarize the counterclaims
B. Provide supporting information for counterclaims
C. Refute the counterclaims
D. Give evidence for argument
III. Your Argument
A. Assert point #1 of your claims
1. Give your opinion
2. Provide support
B. Assert point #2 of your claims
1. Give your opinion
2. Provide support
C. Assert point #3 of your claims
1. Give your opinion
2. Provide support
IV. Conclusion
A. Restate your argument
B. Provide a plan of action