Assignment 8

Construct an experimental, discrete probability table by rolling three six-sided dice and calculating the total. Perform 200 trials and record the results. The rolling of three six-sided dice can be simulated using a graphing calculator by rolling each of the dice in a separate list using:

                        Math –> Prob –> randInt(1, 6, 200)

Unit 8 writing Stats.png  Unit 8 Writing Stats 2.png  Unit 8 Writing Stats 3.png 

Once all three lists are generated, add them to create the totals of the 200 trials.

  • Create a discrete random variable relative frequency histogram for this data. Clearly label the axes and scale.
  • Calculate the mean and standard deviation for the roll totals:

????==   ????== 

      Use these to define a normal probability distribution for the total on the roll of 3 dice.

  • Compare the probabilities of the experimental discrete probability distribution and the normal curve distribution for several cases listed on the table. Complete the table.

ProbabilityRelative Frequency HistogramNormal Curve????(9.5????10.5)P(9.5×10.5) ????(????3)P(x3) ????(????15)P(x15) ????(8????10)P(8×10) 

  • Write a brief paragraph comparing the results of the table above. Discuss any similarities or differences in these results.
  • There are 216 possible outcomes for the roll of three dice. The theoretical probabilities for the outcomes of the roll of three six-sided dice are:


Calculate the theoretical probabilities of the indicated rolls and include them on the table below.

ProbabilityRelative Frequency HistogramNormal CurveTheoretical Probability????(9.5????10.5)P(9.5×10.5) ????(????3)P(x3) ????(????15)P(x15) ????(8????10)P(8×10)