Negotiation Mastery 3 Paper




Mastery Negotiation 3 (Page 592 plus supplemental handouts from Instructor)

Elmwood Hospital Dispute 

There are two components to this mastery assignment: (1) a team exercise completed by you and your assigned negotiation partner, and (2) a written analysis of the exercise to be completed by each learner.

Time Required: 150-180 minutes. 30 minutes for group preparation, 60-90 minutes for playing out the simulation, and 60 minutes for debriefing.

Unit 6 Exercise (Team): In this exercise the class will be split up into teams. Role of the Concerned Community Coalition, Role of a Hospital Board & Administrator and Role of a Mediator. After reading the negotiation exercise and required readings for the negotiation, be prepared to complete an individual analysis explaining how the negotiation went. 

Unit 6 Analysis (Individual Assignment): Prepare an analysis of your negotiation exercise after you have completed it, incorporating a minimum of seven citations from course reading. Write this analysis from the perspective of what has been learned from the readings and how you applied these principles to the negotiation. Note: Each learner must prepare and submit their own written analysis; do not collaborate with team members on the paper.

Conclusions must be well reasoned and supported with at least 7 citations from the course readings. The analysis should be a minimum of 1250 words in APA format, excluding the title page and references. Be sure to follow the guidelines outlined in the grading rubric. The objectives for this assignment are as follows:

1. Describe the negotiation: what took place? How did the offers and counters go back and forth? How was the negotiation exercise finally resolved?

2. Who do you think “won” the negotiation? Why?

3. How did the reading materials apply to the negotiation that you and your partner and/or opponent undertook, the strategies you and your opponent employed, and your respective degrees of success? Be sure to explain your conclusions thoroughly with support from the course readings.

4. How you would do things differently in the future? Why? Be sure to explain your conclusions thoroughly with support from the course readings. 


Each learner must prepare a quality, substantive paper that addresses the objectives of the assignment and the expectations set forth in the grading rubric.

The analysis should be a minimum of 1250 words in APA format, excluding the title page and references. 

Use APA format Refer to APA Style and the Online Writing Center resources in Academic Resources for guidance on paper and citation formatting.

o Conclusions must be well reasoned and supported with at least 7 citations from the course readings

All external cited sources must have been published within the 5 years 


Elmwood Hospital Dispute:::::


In this exercise you will be dealing with a very complex negotiation situation. 

In contrast to earlier exercises, where there may have been a single opponent and one or two clearly defined issues, this simulation creates a negotiation between larger groups with less clearly defined issuesand perhaps stronger emotions. The key roles played by mediators are also introduced in this simulation.  Background Information  The situation described here is a composite, with some data drawn from a number of similar disputes, and other information constructed specifically for this training exercise. The scenario is not to be interpreted as an account of any actual dispute. This simulation is one of several developed and tested by the Institute for Mediation and Conflict Resolution in New York, and adapted with permission by the Community Conflict Resolution Program.  Elmwood is a medium-sized, 450-bed private hospital in a southwestern city of approximately 600,000. It is well equipped for inpatient care and has an open-heart surgery team that is a matter of special pride to the board of trustees and the hospitals director. None of the trustees live in the hospitals immediate neighborhood, though some of their parents once did. Most of them are professionals or businesspeople, and one of their main functions as trustees is to help in fund-raising for the hospital.  Until 10 years ago, Elmwood was in the middle of a white, middle-class community. Now, however, it is on the eastern edge of an expanding low-income neighborhood, which has moved across the nearby expressway and is continuing to grow eastward. A good part of the low-income community is served by West Point Hospital, back on the western side of the expressway. People on the east, however, are turning to Elmwood. There are very few private physicians left in the Elmwood area, and the hospital, through its outpatient clinic, is the main source of medical care for the newer residents.  These newer residents, who now make up approximately 65 percent of the service area, are a mix of relatively recent newcomers to the city, some from other parts of the United States and others from various foreign countries. Most are in low-paying service jobs. Many are on public assistance. Infant mortality is three times as high as in the rest of the city. Malnutrition is a problem, as are tuberculosis, lead poisoning, and other diseases associated with a slum environment. Most of these new residents cannot afford to be admitted to the hospital when sick and rely instead on outpatient treatment in what is now an overburdened facility at Elmwood.  Like most hospitals, Elmwood is in a financial squeeze. In addition, it has become increasingly difficult to attract new interns and residents and harder to retain present Source: Adapted from an activity developed for the Institute for Mediation and Conflict Resolution. Elmwood Hospital Dispute 593  professionals. Although the hospital director is somewhat sympathetic to the medical care problems of the community, he sees his first priority as building the hospitals institutional strength by such measures as increasing intern- and resident-oriented research opportunities and adding facilities that would induce the staff to stay on rather than go elsewhere. He has apparently given some thought to sponsoring a neighborhood health center, but it has been put off by location problems. He has also heard about some heated conflicts over control of services at other hospitals in the state that took state and federal health grants. Right now, the director apparently intends to put these matters on the back burner until he gets the other things going.  Residents of the low-income community have organized a Concerned Community Coalition (CCC). The community has been asking the hospital to increase its almost nonexistent efforts in preventive medical care, improve and expand outpatient facilities, establish a satellite health center with day care facilities, and train a roving paraprofessional health team to administer diagnostic tests throughout the community. Elmwood is their neighborhood hospital, and to them, this is what a neighborhood hospital should be doing for the residents.  Two weeks ago, the CCC sent a letter to the director asking that the hospital initiate these efforts and requesting that he meet with them to discuss how the community and the hospital could work together. Although the community is deeply concerned about its medical problems and resents the fact that a city institution has not acted before this of its own volition, the letter was not unfriendly.  To date, the letter has not been answered.  Three days ago, the director and the chairman of the board announced the acquisition of a site about 15 blocks from the hospital on which it said it would build a heart research facility, a six-story nurses residence, and a staff parking lot, with shuttle bus service to the hospital grounds.  On learning of the plans, the leaders and members of the CCC were incensed. They decided to sit in at the directors office until the hospital met their needs.  The day before yesterday, about 50 CCC supporters took over the directors office, vowing not to leave until the hospital agreed to meet the following demands: 1. Replacement of the board of trustees with a community-controlled board.  2. A 100 percent increase in outpatient facilities.  3. Establishment of a neighborhood health center and a day care facility on the newly acquired site.  4. Establishment of a preventive diagnostic mobile health team, consisting of neighborhood residents chosen by the CCC.  5. Replacement of the director by one chosen by the community.  While the hospital director indicated that he would be glad to meet with the groups leader to discuss the matters raised in its letter, he also stated quite forcefully that he considered the new demands arrogant and destructive and that, in any event, he would not meet under duress (i.e., as long as the sit-in continued).  The CCC said it would not leave until a meeting took place and the demands were accepted.  594 Exercise 33  The sit-in began two days ago. This morning the hospitals lawyers moved to get an injunction against the sit-in. The CCC, aided by a legal services attorney, resisted.  The judge reserved decision, stating that to grant an injunction might only make the situation worse. He noted that both the hospital and the CCC would have to learn to live together for their own joint best interest. He therefore instructed the parties to meet to try to work out the problems between them, and has appointed a mediator to assist them. The mediator is a staff member of the citys Human Rights Commission, a unit of the municipal government.  At the judges suggestion, the sides have agreed to meet with the mediator in the hospital library. The meeting has been scheduled for later today.