group assignment


As a team, review and select one peer-reviewed article from the Week 2 Administrative Health Care Annotated Bibliography assignment. Prior to selecting the article, review the Questions to Prompt Critical Thinking worksheet to ensure you have selected an article that is most appropriate for completing the prompts provided.

Each team member is responsible for reading the research article. In the team forum, discuss the research study and different steps or components addressed in the study.

Review the . You will then answer these questions in an APA templated paper (see below).

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

my part is:   

Research Methodology, Design, and Analyses 

answer all parts under “  

Research Methodology, Design, and Analyses”

the article we choose is:

~~~~~~~~~wksheet2 is what my group has so far. use the wksheet2 attachment to further complete the assignment.~~~~~~~