Dashboard Analysis and Nursing Plan

As Dr. Rempher and Ms. Manna discussed this week, data from the NDNQI is used to improve nursing practices and support the strategic outcomes of an organization. This data is also used to create the Dashboard. The Dashboard, then, is used to create an action plan. Correctly interpreting information presented on the Dashboard provides nurses with a better understanding of the goals of the action plan.

To prepare

For this Assignment, use the Dashboard located in this weeks Resources, to interpret the data and frame a nursing plan based on best practices.

  • Review the Week 5 Assignment Rubric, provided in the Course Information area.
  • Review the Week 4 Resources that pertain to the NDNQI and use of dashboards
  • Choose a Nurse-Sensitive Quality Indicator that needs improvement based on the data presented in the Dashboard. Reflect on how you would develop a nursing plan with suggestions on how to improve performance in the chosen area.
  • Develop a nursing plan that outlines suggestions on how to improve performance in the chosen area.
  • Provide at least three best practices from evidenced-based literature to support your nursing plan.


  • Draft a 3- to 4 page paper analyzing areas where there is good performance and areas of opportunity from the sample Dashboard.
  • Analyze the data provided in the Dashboard and select an area of performance that needs improvement. Include information on why this area was chosen.
  • Develop a nursing plan that includes suggestions on how to improve performance on the selected indicator. Be sure to provide at least three best practices from the evidenced-based literature to support your suggested nursing plan.

This Assignment is due on Week 5 Day 7. It will be assessed using the Week 5 Assignment Rubric. Writing Resources and Program Success Tools

  • This checklist will help you self-assess your writing to see if it meets academic writing standards for this course.

Provided a brief paragraph that included an overview of the assignment and its purpose.

18 (7.2%) – 20 (8%)
Provided a fully developed overview of the assignment and its purpose with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues.
16 (6.4%) – 17 (6.8%)
Provided a developed overview of the assignment and its purpose with reasonable analysis of concepts and related issues.
14 (5.6%) – 15 (6%)
Provided a minimally-developed overview of the assignment and its purpose with limited analysis of concepts and related issues.
(0%) – 13 (5.2%)
Provided a under-developed overview of the assignment and its purpose with little or no analysis of concepts and related issues.

Presented an analysis of the data from the Sample Dashboard. Provided a thorough description of the area of performance selected that needs improvement and discussed the statistical findings and why the area was selected.

36 (14.4%) – 40 (16%)
Provided a fully developed analysis of the dashboard data focused on needs for improvement and statistical findings with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues.
32 (12.8%) – 35 (14%)
Provided a developed analysis of the dashboard data focused on needs for improvement and statistical findings with reasonable analysis of concepts and related issues.
28 (11.2%) – 31 (12.4%)
Provided a minimally-developed analysis of the dashboard data focused on needs for improvement and statistical findings with limited analysis of concepts and related issues.
(0%) – 27 (10.8%)
Provided a under-developed analysis of the dashboard data focused on needs for improvement and statistical findings with little or no analysis of concepts and related issues.

Presented a nursing plan on three or more best practices that could be implemented to improve performance on the selected indicator. Included how each best practice could address the selected performance. Each best practice was supported by the professional literature.

108 (43.2%) – 120 (48%)
Provided a fully developed nursing plan on three or more best practices to improve performance with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues
96 (38.4%) – 107 (42.8%)
Provided a developed nursing plan on three or more best practices to improve performance with reasonable analysis of concepts and related issues.
84 (33.6%) – 95 (38%)
Provided a minimally-developed nursing plan on three or more best practices to improve performance with limited analysis of concepts and related issues.
(0%) – 83 (33.2%)
Provided a under-developed nursing plan on three or more best practices to improve performancewith little or no analysis of concepts and related issues.

Provided a summary of the main points in the paper.

18 (7.2%) – 20 (8%)
Provided a fully developed summary of the main points with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues.
16 (6.4%) – 17 (6.8%)
Provided a developed summary of the main points with reasonable analysis of concepts and related issues.
14 (5.6%) – 15 (6%)
Provided a minimally-developed summary of the main points with limited analysis of concepts and related issues.
(0%) – 13 (5.2%)
Provided a under-developed summary of the main points with little or no analysis of concepts and related issues.

Academic Writing Expectations (AWE 3) 4000 Level

23 (9.2%) – 25 (10%)
Demonstrates fully developed sentence, paragraph, and essay level skills. Displays academic expression through fully developed use of evidence from multiple sources to support content. Meets the 4000 AWE level with no writing issues and exceeds the minimum reference requirement.
20 (8%) – 22 (8.8%)
Demonstrates developed sentence, paragraph, and essay level skills. Displays academic expression through developed use of evidence from most sources to support content. Meets the 4000 AWE level with minimal writing issues and exceeds the minimum reference requirement.
18 (7.2%) – 19 (7.6%)
Demonstrates minimally developed sentence, paragraph, and essay level skills. Beginning to display academic expression through minimally developed use of evidence from some sources to support content. Minimally meets the 4000 AWE level with several writing issues and meets the minimum reference requirement.
(0%) – 17 (6.8%)
Demonstrates limited sentence, paragraph, and essay level skills. Does not display academic expression, has limited use of evidence with few or no sources to support the content. Does not meet the 4000 AWE level of writing and does not meet the mimium reference requirement.

APA Formatting: cover page, title of paper on second page, level headings, Times New Roman 12 font, 1″” margins, and page numbers. APA References: Uses in-text citations appropriately and format correctly. Paraphrases to avoid plagiarizing the source.
Reference list is in alphabetical order, hanging indent, double spaced in format. Each specific entry contains all information required by APA format including author, year of publication, title of publication, pages, DOI, website, as appropriate.

23 (9.2%) – 25 (10%)
Demonstrates fully developed APA formatting and referencing requirements with no formatting errors.
20 (8%) – 22 (8.8%)
Demonstrates developed APA formatting and referencing requirements with minimal formatting errors.
18 (7.2%) – 19 (7.6%)
Demonstrates minimally developed APA formatting and referencing requirements with several formatting errors.
(0%) – 17 (6.8%)
Demonstrates limited APA formatting and referencing requirements with multiple formatting errors.
Total Points: 250