Scholarly Research Paper

Stress and Health Class


  • The final paper should skillfully incorporate the research from the annotated bibliography into a coherent and streamline discussion.
  • Criteria for evaluation will include: 1) content & organization; 2) integration of relevant class concepts and primary sources; 3) writing clarity; and 4) originality & creativity.
  • Title page no running head
    • Here is a link to the APA Title page format for student papers
  • 5-7 double-spaced pages minimum 5 complete pages and a maximum of 7 pages
  • 12 pt. font
  • Scholarly papers are written from the 3rd person perspective.
    • Do not use I we (first-person perspective), or you (second-person perspective)
  • At least five different primary sources (Academic journals or Academic-oriented books)
  • APA format required for ALL in-text citations and reference list
  • Quotations from primary sources should be kept to a minimum. Less than 3 sentences of direct quotes.
    • Only use direct quotes when the information is extremely profound. If a direct quote is deemed necessary, include the page # in the citation. Here is a link to direct quote citations
  • The paper must be an original work created for this class. No essays from previous classes will be accepted.
  • Any instances of plagiarism will be adjudicated to the fullest extent
  • Late papers will be penalized a grade step each day (i.e., B drops to B-)

Grading Criteria:

– Paper organization. Appropriate title page, 5-7 double-spaced pages 12 pt. font. APA format for in-text citations and the reference list.

– Paper content and integration of references Demonstrated conceptual understanding of the subject, skillfully integrated reference materials and demonstrated originality and creativity.

– Grammar and Writing Clarity. Quotations from primary sources should be kept to a minimum. 3 direct quotation. Minimal grammar and spelling errors. Sentence clarity,