Reply 1 and 2 ,150 words each one by today 05/16/2021 at 6:00 pm

Reply 1

2 postsRe: Topic 5 DQ 2

Advocates speak on behalf of other people whose voices are not heard by the wider community and government. Advocates work with policy-makers, legislative bodies, and healthcare organizations to solve the needy populations proposed problems and alternatives. It is a nurses role to speak up for the patients, fellow nurses, and the profession. Nurses can advocate for children, the mentally ill, and those less informed about health care policies and individual rights. The American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics states that The nurse promotes, advocates for, and protects the patients rights, health, and safety. Nurses can advocate for nurses by involving legislators such as Congressmen and women, arranging marches, and engaging healthcare organizations that fight for patients rights Regis (College, n.d.). To effectively advocate for patients, nurse leaders should first evaluate patients needs, personal values, and their level of awareness. Secondly, they should identify patient goals such as choices of treatment options. The leaders should then set advocacy plans that involve different members of the healthcare team. After engaging all stakeholders, the leaders should evaluate the advocacy results by taking into account patient satisfaction. Examples of advocacy include advocacy with the medical facility, the legal system, families, and the community.


Regis College. (n.d.). Helping Hands, Helping Voices: Examples of Patient Advocacy in Nursing. Retrieved from
Reply 2

d 3 postsRe: Topic 5 DQ 2

There are several strategies that a leader can used to create positive change in the workplace. The one strategy I find interesting is understanding behavior. Nursing is a stressful job, and stress is handled differently from person to person. A leader that takes the time to understand what makes a staff member tick can go a long way. Dealing with stress is not a one size fit all solution, and it should be tackled at an individual level. Helping a co-worker to find their trigger points can help them manage their reactions and responses more appropriately. One way to understand behavior is have team members answer a Belvin assessment. This assessment examines what roles a person brings to the workplace, how they fit with the team, and the contribution of roles to the team. The nine team roles than can be identified are plant (creativity), resource investigator, coordinator, shaper, team worker, implementer, completer finisher, specialist, monitor evaluator. The purpose of this evaluation is to understand a preferred role and explain why we relate well to some people and have conflicts with others. Also, it helps us to understand our strengths and weaknesses (Middleton, NA).


Middleton, J. (N.A.). Nursing Times. Leadership skills for nurses.