Pharamacology CASE STUDY

 Answer the following questions in three well-developed paragraphs (450500 words) using APA formatting, integrating two evidence-based resources to include clinical practice guidelines as well as the course textbook.

Topic: Heart Failure

ML is a retired registered nurse (RN) who has been given the diagnosis of Stage A heart failure. She knows from her RN education that she will definitely be placed on digoxin as a therapy. She remembers something about halos as something to be attuned to.

  1. Explain the pathophysiology of Stage A heart failure.
  2. What is the rational drug choice for treatment of this individual?
  3. Address the patients concern about halos should digoxin be prescribed.
  4. Are there gender considerations related to medication treatment in this scenario? If so, what are they? For example, do men and women differ in their side effect profile and/or complications (for instance, from digoxin)?
  5. Discuss monitoring of the pharmacological agent(s) selected.

 Cites three or more references, using at least one new scholarly resource that was not provided in the course materials.