If you cannot identify a start-up enterprise, then use the following case:(DONE SECOND PART NEEDED TO BE DONE)

James and Janet (J&J), a mini cab business company was established at the start of COVID 19 in the city of Birmingham. It is a small family business licensed as private hire operator. Providing outstanding services to the public and especially NHS and other key workers; it is professional, friendly, punctual, and reasonable rates. All J&J drivers have passed the mandatory exams and properly licensed. The company provides online taxi services for up to eight passengers via iOS and Android apps. J&J founders makes money by offering 24/7 additional services to other cities like Manchester and London.

(Use 1 7 paragraphs as above)

The submission date for the formative assessment is Friday 12th March 2021. A hard copy print out will be handed-in, in class.

5.1 3) Student Advice Formative

The formative is a pre-requirement to be able to submit your summative assessment i.e. if you havent submitted your formative then it will be recommended that you are ineligible to submit your summative assessment


5.2 1. Assessment Requirements

This is an independent assignment to be completed individually.

You are acting as an advisor to a new business start-up. Your role is to advise and support the company in raising the funding necessary for the business to successfully grow. The company that you use must be the same as the one you have used in your formative assessment.

The module is made up of two assessments.

(you have done it ) Section 1. A 2,500-word report (weighting 50%) for the owners of the business outlining the business case for investment. This report must include the following:

1. Company purpose(you have done it )

2. Market position and the size of the opportunity(you have done it )

3. Consideration of the exit strategy(you have done it )

4. A review of the current funding market(you have done it )

5. Evaluation of the risks and issues associated with different funding options.(you have done it )

6. Recommended source of funding for the company(you have done it )

Section 2. A 2,500-word financial evaluation (weighting 50%) to support a business case to be presented to potential investors. The financial evaluation should cover 5

years. This must include the following:

a. Cash flow projections

b. Estimated company valuation today and at exit.

c. Sensitivity analysis

d. Explicit consideration of the key factors that might be included and acceptable to a company in a terms sheet (e.g., the % ownership granted to investors, terms for current investors in event of future fund raising etc.)

e. Key milestones and deliverables linked to further funding rounds.

Your report should be in Word. It is expected that you will use a sprea