Statistical Analysis in JASP TOOL


This quiz will model much of what your task may be like when working on your own dissertation. You have been provided the data set in order to answer the research question below. The data set (CSV-Student_Achievement_Dataset.CSV) is a Comma-Separated-Values file. Generally, JASP opens these files nicely, but you will always want to check your rows and columns to see that nothing seems out of place. You will do a complete/full analysis with this file and provide your conclusion in APA format. Again, you should not include output in your dissertation, but for this assignment, it IS required. 

A quiz that earns full credit will include (for each research question):

1. An introductory sentence about which test(s) will be used and what indicated that it was the correct test.

2. A stated null and alternative hypothesis.

3. The output from JASP.

4. A conclusion in paragraph form that includes the decision you made, APA formatted reporting of your statistics, and a final statement about your findings as it relates to the research question. (2-3 sentences is fine)

Research Questions

1. Is there a relationship between a students Language Arts Scaled Score (cstlass) and a students Math Scaled Score (cstmss)?

2. Do males and females score differently on Language Arts Scaled Scores (cstlass)?  What about Math Scaled Scores (cstmss)?