
Read Chapter 3 and view the required videos on PESTEL Analysis and the Five Forces Framework.Select one of the cases from Part 2 of the Thompson (2020) textbook to analyze the six components of the Macro-Environment and the Five Forces Model.For this assignment:

  • Prepare a brief PESTEL Analysis for your selected case from Part 2 of our Thompson (2020) text.  You must address all six elements.
  • Prepare a brief Five Force Analysis as presented in our Thompson (2020) text for your selected case. Address all five forces.

Text Book: 

Thompson Jr. A. A, Peteraf, M. A., Gamble, J. E., and Strickland III, A. J. (2020). Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. 22nd Edition. McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 978-1-260-07510-6

Submission Details: 

  • Your analysis must be driven by facts, research, and data.
  • Your analysis should be 500 words or less.
  • Incorporate at least one course (our text) and one non-course scholarly/peer reviewed source in your paper.
  • Create Leve1, 2 and Level 3 APA headings for each portion of the analysis.  
  • All written assignments must include a coverage page, introductory and concluding paragraphs, reference page, double-spaced and proper in-text citations using APA guidelines.