Part 1



You are a Director for an international Non-Profit Organization (NGO) in USA/ In 13-15 pages, you will identify a major environmental health problem afflicting a community and provide a proposed solution (a health education intervention, health promotion intervention, health policy or health administration change). You will work on the paper in pieces:

Paper Part 1 Content

  1. Project Paper Part I:

    Abstract (250 words)

    Should briefly review major highlights of the paper. The abstract should include background, literature review, program, program outcome, conclusion, and recommendation. Word limit for abstract is 250.

    Background (1 page)

    1. Select a topic of interest related to a current environmental issue and its related health concerns.
    2. Look up 5 peer-reviewed journal articles from the Monroe library to support the topic of interest.
    3. Introduction: should include the significance of the issue explored within the paper. The introduction should be brief, interesting and motivate audience to read the paper further.
    4. Literature Review (4-5pages)
    5. For each peer-reviewed article selected, provide following information: study purpose, study design, sample characteristics, sample size, data collection methods and key findings (results). 
    6. Conclude the section by highlighting the significant points discussed in various articles.