Technology Crisis Communication


Further develop your Crisis Communication Plan by updating it according to the top Technological hazard facing as identified in your Hazard Vulnerability Assessment that you developed in EDMG101. (If you have not taken EDMG101 you may use .)

Your ~1-2 page updates to the Crisis Communication Plan should have:

  • Pregathered Information regarding your hazard
  • Key Messages to be distributed via:
    • Website
    • Social Media
    • Traditional Media
  • Possible Trick Questions
  • Known Local Prodromes
  • Use the for existing information, and create any details necessary to create your plan that is not already in the description.


As part of integrating with Bobsville’s Crisis Management Plan/Emergency Operations Plan begun in EDMG220 that you have been developing in each course, develop a 1 page maximum ESF3 annex (Public Works).