Powerpoint Presentation

Oral PowerPoint Presentation

In your textbook, review Deil S. Wrights article on page 344, which is titled Intergovernmental Relations: An Analytical Overview. 

Starting on page 353, Wright reviews the competitive phase of intergovernmental oversight and introduces the principle of picket fence federalism. Review the example of public programs listed in the Figure 3 chart, which is titled Picket Fence Federalism: A Schematic Representation. 

The following order of slides shall be presented in the PowerPoint presentation. 

  • Slide 1: Include an introductory slide. Provide the title of the presentation, your name, and the course number. 
  • Slides 2-3: Select and introduce two examples of social programs (one per slide) that reflect evidence of intergovernmental public service (e.g., public housing and vocational education).
  • Slides 4-5: Using the framework of a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis, discuss the benefits of the government sharing (or not sharing) oversight responsibility for your two selected public service programs (one per slide). As a threat, address why declining intergovernmental collaboration would damage government alliances of your selected program. 
  • Slide 6: Include a references slide. References for this assignment may include the textbook, government and nonprofit websites, and articles from professional sources (e.g., academic journals). Include at least four references for this presentation. 

For this assignment, you will submit your PowerPoint presentation with a voice recording of you presenting the slides. Slides 25 should include about 1 minute of audio for a total of 5 minutes for the entire presentation. ***Utilize the notes section of PowerPoint to write the transcript of your presentation****.

*** I will upload the audio with the transcript of the presentation that you provide*** 

Click for instructions on adding audio to a PowerPoint slide. 

Click to access a tutorial on how to create a successful PowerPoint presentation. (Click to access the transcript for the tutorial.) 

The purpose of this assignment is to gauge your understanding of the content, so focus on writing original content rather than simply regurgitating the textbook or other sources, whether by paraphrasing or using direct quotes. Paraphrasing is acceptable, but try to keep paraphrasing to a minimum. A good rule of thumb is to use 80% of your own work and to paraphrase 20% or less of the work of others.