Our Weeks Three and Four Discussion will focus on contracts, a topic that applies to everyone, regardless of your profession.
Post One (you are the plaintiff):
- Using a business model for the ideal job you plan to have one day, draft a short story describing the facts that behind a contract for services.
- The story should be very brief and the purpose of the contract must be related to a service.
- For example:
I am the owner of a nightclub called: LizBar. I hire We R Always Wired, Inc. to do some electrical work on a new start-of-the-art light system because they claimed to have experience working on the lighting system that was purchased.
- The example provides the background information of my story, but does not include the terms of our contract, which is what your Post One must include.
- Briefly draft the terms of the contract between your business and the vendor. They key is to cover the essential elements of a valid contract.
- Conclude your story with a brief explanation describing the vendor’s acts/behavior that amounts to a breach of contract.
- In one sentence state exactly what you will be suing for and the remedy you are seeking.
- Support your legal theory for this law suit by referencing a case from your home state where the plaintiff won his/her lawsuit against the defendant for committing an identical (or very similar) breach. Summarize the facts from that case, the court’s ruling, and the reasoning behind its ruling.
- How are the facts from your story similar to the facts from the case you cited?
- Provide a properly formatted citation to your case.
- There is a-lot of material that must be discussed in this post, which would require at least 250 words, but cannot exceed 450 words).
- Due: Sunday of Week Three
Post Two (you are the defendant):
- Select a fellow student’s Post One.
- Find a case from the same state cited in that Post One where the defendant was able to provide a winning defense.
- Discuss the facts from that case, the court’s ruling, and the reasoning behind its ruling.
- How are the facts from the student’s Post One similar to, or different from, the facts from the case you cited?
- Provide a properly formatted citation to your case.
- There is a lot of material that must be discussed in this post, which would require at least 250 words, but cannot exceed 450 words).
- Due: Sunday of Week Four