Action Plan for Model the Way

 Note: You must complete the Self- and Observer Assessment Surveys assignment from Module 1 and the Values Spotlight and Mark Your Calendars assignment in Module 2 before you can complete this journal assignment. Like any skill, leadership requires practice. The first time you rode a bike or went swimming, it probably felt unnatural. In order to become a better leader, you must practice leadership. For this journal entry, you will identify an aspect of personal leadership that currently has room for improvement, and practice actions to help you strengthen or develop in that area. You will reflect on this process in your journal entry. For this journal entry, complete the following steps:

  1. Review the Model the Way Data Summary in your SLPI 360 Individual Feedback Report, which your instructor will provide upon completion of your self-assessment and the observer assessments from the Self- and Observer Assessment Surveys assignment in Module 1.
  2. Record your overall score from the Student Leadership Practices Inventory for Model the Way
  3. Of the six leadership behaviors that are part of Model the Way, identify the statement that one of your observers indicated you engage in most frequently. If there is a tie score between two or more behaviors, then indicate the one in which you feel is most accurate.
  4. Identify the leadership behavior statement that your observers felt you engaged in the least often. If there is a tie score between two or more behaviors, then indicate the one in which you feel is most accurate.
  5. Identify at least one action that you can practice this week to strengthen your least engaged in leadership behavior. Review the Take Action section of Chapters 1 & 2 (at the very end of the chapters) in The Student Leadership Challenge for suggestions to help you become a better leader. 
  6. In this Modules assignment, you were asked to explore your values and behaviors. Using that assignment as a guide, create and implement a plan that will help you build credibility throughout this semester, in which you purposefully find ways to exhibit each of your chosen values through your behavior. For example, if you chose Family as a value, you might plan to Call Mom every Wednesday. If you chose Religion as a value, you might plan to Join a bible study or Go to church with the family on Sunday to combine two values. You will describe your plan in this journal entry now, and later in Module 7, you will refer back to this action plan and reflect on how you integrated your values into your daily behaviors as part of your final project submission (Leadership Philosophy and Action Plan).

To successfully complete this assignment, view the