
This has 3 discussions and 1 assignment; discussions need to be at least 250 words APA format and cite all references; all assignments will be submitted through safe assign for plagiarism 

Discussion 1: Scahie’s theory resonates with me especially the responsibility stage, also I am a female; Please see attachment from the textbook; textbook citation:  Capuzzi, M.D.S. D. (2016). Human Growth and Development Across the Lifespan: Applications for Counselors. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from 

Review Levinsons Seasons of a Mans Life (if you are a male) and Reinkes Turning Points (if you are female) or Schaies developmental theory of adult cognitive adjustment and early adulthood. Which theory resonates most for you in regard to what you experienced in your own developmental pattern?  What are some ways you as a Clinical Mental Health Counselor can teach your clients about wellness and resilience?  Why? Give specific examples.

Assignment 1: 

Go to the following websites.  Take some of the tests, then write about your experience taking the tests:  Your scores, how you felt, how well you did compared to your expectations.  Also, include a paragraph or two about how what you’ve learned about human development and how that affects how people would score on these tests.  Write a one to two page paper APA format.  Be sure to include at least two references.  

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Discussion 2:

After taking the tests in Assignment 1, discuss how you did and what you experienced while you were taking the tests; at least 250 words, cite all references

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Discussion 3: at least 250 words, cite all references

 Think about individuals you know in the older developmental stages. Have you noted a role reversal between them and their adult children? If so, how does this role reversal manifest? Do you take care of elderly parents? If so, what is this like for you?