Foreign Film Response/Reaction

 You may not choose a film from the following regions and countries: Western World (Canada, US, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and all of the territories controlled by the governments of these countries)

Choose a fictional movie made in (not about) another country. NOTE:  No animation or documentaries are allowed for this assignment.  Email me for suggestions if you are having difficulty finding a movie.

Foreign videos can be found at the Free Public Library of Philadelphia and other libraries; YouTube, Hulu, and similar sites; Netflix, iTunes, Amazon and similar sources. 

After seeing the film, write a 3-4 page essay that addresses the following questions:

  1. Using the film as your source and citing only a few examples of events from the story line, describe how you felt or reacted while watching your chosen movie. What was your overall reaction to the film? Do you feel that you fully understood everything that was going on in the film? Why/why not? 
  2. Did you like the film? Dislike it? Without concentrating on the plot or story line of the film, can you explain why you liked/disliked the film? 
  3. Did the film have subtitles or was it dubbed? Were there other ways in which language/communication was expressed in the film?  Did this affect your viewing and understanding of the film?  Would it have made a difference if you spoke the language of the film? (This question applies to English-language films made in Anglo countries as well, incidentally).

Note that the purpose of this assignment is to give your response/reaction to the film you have watched.  Do not write a movie review!

Essays should be thoughtful, analytical, grammatically correct, spellchecked, and double-spaced.  Note: This is the only assignment written outside of class that will not have a bibliography attached.