Psychology of Consulting & Coaching

Oftentimes, the words coaching and mentoring are interspersed in the literature. Coaching of employees can be beneficial to an organization’s success. Sometimes, employees do not want to be coached. This assignment will give you the opportunity revise your earlier work on virtual teams and to look at the competencies required of a coach and the challenges that coaches may experience.

General guidelines

  • Refer to your submission of the Topic 2 assignment “Virtual Teams” and any instructor feedback on that assignment. (ATTACHED)
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. 
  • Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for specific guidelines related to doctoral level writing. The Manual contains essential information on manuscript structure and content, clear and concise writing, and academic grammar and usage.
  • Include a minimum of seven scholarly topic-relevant sources (majority of articles should be published within past 5 years)
  • You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


Part 1

Present a revised version (2,250-2,800 words total) of the paper Virtual Teams that makes improvements in the caliber of the writing and incorporates instructor feedback regarding content and writing. Include the following in your submission:

  1. A reflection (250-300 words) that provides a bulleted list of the changes you made to the paper and discusses your revision process including how you incorporated your instructor’s feedback into the revised version. Similar to an abstract, this section will receive its own page following the title page and preceding the introduction to the paper.
  2. The revised paper that incorporates instructor feedback; clarifies the thesis statement and solidifies supporting arguments; edits for grammar, spelling, and punctuation; adjusts word choice to display professional and scholarly language; and adjusts sentence structure for improved readability.

Part 2

Write an additional 2,000-2,500 words in which you discuss coaching and how to handle leaders who do not want coaching. Include the following in your paper:

  1. A research-based discussion of and rationale for needed competencies of a leadership coach.
  2. A research-based discussion of three types of difficult leaders and how you would handle the challenges of coaching them.
  3. A research-based discussion of how a leader’s style influences how challenges are handled.
  4. A research-based discussion of how the coaching of a difficult leader might occur in a virtual environment.

Study Materials

Read: Chapter 6:- The California School of Organizational Studies Handbook of Organizational Consulting Psychology: A Comprehensive Guide to Theory, Skills, and Techniques

Collinson, D., & Tourish, D. (2015). Teaching leadership critically: New directions for leadership pedagogy. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 14(4), 576-594. URL:

Gill, A., Lapalme, M. ., & Sguin, M. (2014). When politics meets ethics: How political skill helps ethical leaders foster organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Managerial Issues, 26(3), 204-218. URL:


Heimans, J., & Timms, H. (2014). Understanding “new power.” Harvard Business Review, 92(12), 48-56. URL:


Kacmar, K. M., Andrews, M. C., Harris, K. J., & Tepper, B. J. (2013). Ethical leadership and subordinate outcomes: The mediating role of organizational politics and the moderating role of political skill. Journal of Business Ethics, 115(1), 33-44. URL:


Pavur, E. J. (2013). Why do organizations want their leaders to be coached? Consulting Psychology Journal, 65(4), 289-293. URL:


Tost, L., Plunkett, G., Gino, F., & Larrick, R. (2013). When power makes others speechless: The negative impact of leader power on team performance. Academy of Management Journal, 56(5), 1465-1486. URL: