Fun home prep #3

=OPTION A: BAN THIS BOOK!?:  One need not look far to find on-line references to schools and libraries that have suggested banning or restricting Fun Home; some students have asked that the book deserves a trigger warning. Start with the article by Brian Grasso on our BB site. (HINT: Also see what happened at Duke University, the University of Utah, and/or the College of Charlestonyou may refer to these if it helps.) Start by finding basic details about who, what, when, where, howand then get on to WHY. What criteria were used in calling for or rejecting such bans/restrictions/warnings? Your opinions are welcome here, but the key to this paper is to accurately represent different views in such a debate before commenting on them. The article can be found in the HANDOUTS linkand its only 2 pages long!

OPTION B: PASSING/PERSONAS:  As weve noted, to pass means create a version of ones self so that one can become (or try to become) a member of another group. For Bruce Bechdel, the differences between his public/private lives become so painfully confusing that they may have even contributed to his suicide. Dont just list these differences (there are so many). Try to pick a sequence of a few panels or so in which Alison tries to investigate/interpret these passings and personas. (HINT: The more complex and painful examples are in the latter chapters)

=OPTION C: ADAPTATION;  Fun Home has been very successful on Broadway, and the musical version makes some drastic changes. (EX: It uses very few of the difficult references noted in our wiki.) For now, I would suggest that you look on-line and try four songs (some are on the wiki already): Changing My Major, Ring of Keys, Days and Days, and/or Telephone Wire. For the prep, pay careful to how one song/scene re-imagines a scene (or combines scenes) from the graphic novel. (Ill provide an attachment with some quick links to these four songs/videos.) If you do this one, keep in mind our lessons on Quoting from a Poem or Song.

Please write a post of at least 250 words about ONE of these OPTIONS. Please make sure to refer to specific scenes. It is worth 4 points. DUE DATE: By midnight on SATURDAY, MAY 29TH.