The Leadership Challenge

Review book – The Leadership Challenge, 5th edition, by James Kouzes and Barry Posner(Please note I do not have a copy of the book.

Review book and answer the following three(3) questions:

1. Drawing on Chapter 1 of The Leadership Challenge, describe how their research on the Characteristics of Admired Leaders compares to your work experience. In particular, explain which characteristics you value most, and why. Also, describe specific examples of managers/ leaders who have practiced these characteristics (or negative examples of leaders who have not). Be sure to include specific examples from your experiences and specific citations from the book.

2. Drawing on Chapters 2 and 3 of The Leadership Challenge, describe several leaders you have known who have implemented the principles addressed in these chapters. Outline how they achieved success with these principles.

3. Drawing on Chapters 6 and 7 of The Leadership Challenge, describe some personal experiences from your past when you have attempted to implement the principles addressed in these chapters. Be sure to include specific examples from your past and specific citations from the book.