2 peer responses due in 2 hours

due in 2 hours

2 peer responses

brittany’s post:


Using the gift of free expression and talent to create “art” using a likeness of someone to create the ultimate illusion is incredibly fascinating to me. While there has to be a line created where one side is art and once crossed, is no longer art and no longer protected by law, the question then becomes who draws that line and where it is.

As the article points out, there are very slight clues in a deepfake that would create doubt as to its authenticity such as the eyes and fuzz around the face; however, as the public gets better at picking out a deepfake, the talented individuals who create them hone their craft and get better and better using the mistakes caught by the public to show them what to correct and refine.

I think that research in the age of deepfakes must be undertaken extremely carefully.  Research should be double and triple checked.  Students should attempt to find more than one source that attributes a quote or work to an individual.  They should also attempt to authenticate videos, etc. by more than just the news cycle.  Every news program will show the same video that doesnt make it true.  They all get their news from the same source so if it is a fake, they will all get the same fake.

If I were teaching a communication class, I would stress to my students that they shouldnt assume what they are seeing is true their eyes can deceive them.  They should study deepfakes during the first part of the class before they do any research so they can be actively looking for that.  That might make for an interesting research project in and of itself trying to find and identify a deepfake.

rian’s post:

 The impacts for modern communication as presented by Ms. Shao present the obstacle of forfeited videos created by A-I devices. This can lead to falsifying information, identities, and resources. Deep fakes provide so much misinformation that the impacts of this can be detrimental to whoever owns the original content, or taking away credit where it is due.
Shao does mention that larger online companies have created algorithms that detect deep fakes and block them from being shared or posted- I think this shows great development already in the prevention of furthering the use of deep fakes.
The effects of deep fake videos being shared have the potential to destroy a human’s life, or the identity in business they have created for their fans/ followers/ employees/ or customers.
Knowing how to recognize or research what makes a video credible versus a deep fake would be something that I would engrain in my students to ensure that they are only taking away reliable information. Researching the area of whatever topic you are seeing a deep fake video on will also prevent the misuse and improper citations of said video– This means utilizing more than just one source of information, which after more research, one may find that none of the video information is inaccurate, in turn leading to finding the most accurate info on said topic.