Current Technology -Related Issue/ Debate

 Search the Internet for a current technology-related issue/debate. An example of one, which you cannot use for the project, might be whether its right or wrong for potential employers to require applicants Facebook credentials so that they can peer into their personal lives. This paper should: contain a title page including your full name, title of paper (which you can choose), course and lab section number, lab instructors name, and the date include at least four pages of text-based content (this does not include any images, tables, or other visual (non-text) elements. This content should: o introduce the technology-related issue you are writing about, as well as the Web site address of the article you found introducing this issue o describe, in your own words, why the issue is important to you and how it might relate to your everyday life o Describe how you feel about the issue o include information from at least two additional sources (for a total of three) that provides additional information about the issue include at least one image in your document (either a photo or clipart) that helps explain a point in your paper or clarify a difficult concept. Please note that the space this image occupies in your paper does not count toward your four-page text-based content requirement include a table to help convey additional information about your chosen issue/topic (for example if there are arguments for and against your chosen issue, you might have one column containing arguments for the issue, and another column containing the arguments against the issue). Please note that the space this table occupies in your paper does not count toward your four-page text-based content requirement include a SmartArt illustration of your choice that visually conveys information presented in your paper. Please note that the space this diagram occupies in your paper does not count toward your four-page text-based content requirement include citations, where appropriate, for content you pull from other sources include a Works Cited (or Bibliography) page that lists your minimum of 3 legitimate sources. If you use your textbook at all, include your textbook as one of your sources Page 2 of 4 Technical Requirements In addition to meeting the content requirements for this assignment, you also will need to demonstrate your proficiency of Microsoft Word by applying the following formatting. These instructions are designed to be completed in order; completing them out of order may make it more difficult to perform certain instructions. Apply a page border of your choice to the title page Center-align all text on the title page Change the default font, font size, and font color for the text on the title page to make your paper appear inviting The content of your paper should start on the page immediately following the title page. The title of your paper should appear again at the top of the first page of content (second page of your Word document), and formatted with the Title style. Verify that the text in the content portion of your paper is formatted with the Times New Roman font, 11-point font size, and a black font color Text should be double-spaced, and a 0.4 first line indent should be applied to all paragraphs All pages in the document should have top and bottom margins of 1, and the left and right margins each should be 0.90 Each page (with the exception of the title page) should contain a right-aligned header containing your last name, followed by a space, and then the current page number Each page (with the exception of the title page) should contain a center-aligned footer containing the title of your paper Include a bulleted list and a numbered list, where appropriate (you should have two separate lists one that is numbered and one that is bulleted) Apply a picture style of your choice to each image in the document Change the style (SmartArt Style) and color of the SmartArt diagram to something other than the default. The color of the SmartArt diagram should match the color(s) you used on the title page Citations should be cited either using the latest version of MLA or the latest version of APA. Include a Works Cited (or Bibliography) page that lists your sources. Use the tools on the REFERENCES tab to create, manage, and list your sources. In addition, use the appropriate tool to automatically generate the Works Cited (or Bibliography) page. Do not manually type and format this page. Run a Spelling & Grammar check to make sure your document is free of spelling and grammatical errors In the Properties for this document, make sure your full name appears in the Author property (if it does not, change it), and that the title of this paper appears in the Title property Page 3 of 4 Submission Guideli