Apply SQL Queries to a Database

Take the database that you created in the previous week, and expand your initial 3 tables to 8 tables. The additional tables you have created should include new tables to capture additional variables of interest that can be used to bolster the analytic horsepower of your database. Building off of the previous hypothetical example of a  database to understand relative pandemic effects on the textile industry, you may need to include additional tables to capture data on gross domestic product, interest rates, and hospitalization rates.

For this assignment, you must expand your earlier created database using  MySQL Workbench or SQL queries to model the above business case.  So, please build off of your previously created and saved database, and not create the previous one from scratch. Open MySQL Workbench and  perform the following tasks:

  • Add to your previously designed schema with the new table and attributes to fit your newly expanded analytic needs.
  • In your new database, add sufficient data for each of the entities  and attributes at least five departments with at least ten employees  in each.
  • Export your database to your computer. Be sure and select the option to Export to Self-Contained File.
  • Run a SQL query to determine the total number of employees and take a screenshot of the query results.
  • Run a SQL query for the sales department to determine the commissions paid to specific employees for the month of December and take a screenshot of the query results.
  • Insert your screenshots into a Word document. Please be sure and label each of your screenshots in the document to show which part of the assignment each screenshot is supposed to fulfill.
  • Be sure and add a standard assignment title page at the beginning of your Word document and a paragraph or two descriptions of the organizational structure.

Length: The number of pages varies with screenshots.

The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate  thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course.