

This week we discuss the overall process of developing new software.  Please also note the differences between software development and methods.

Discussion needed 1 page…


Information Systems for Business and Beyond Questions:

Chapter 10 study questions 1-10, Exercise 1

Information Technology and Organizational Learning Assignment:

Chapter 8 – Review the Siemens AG case study.  Note the importance of understanding the interrelationships amongst all the senior leaders at every location.  Pay special attention to Figure 8.1 and Figure 8.2. Note how the corporate CIO should engage with each of the regional leaders.  Why is this important?

The above submission should be one-page in length and adhere to APA formatting standards.

*Remember the APA cover page and the references (if required) do not count towards the page length*

Note the first assignment should be in one section and the second section should have the information from the Information Technology and Organizational Learning assignment.  The paper requirements for the two-pages applies to the second part of the assignment directly related to the  Information Technology and Organizational Learning assignment.

Paper needed 3 pages…