world religions

Write a two to three-page (500-700 word) comparison-contrast essay that compares and contrasts any two religions covered this semester in terms of social responsibility. Remember, there are three broad purposes for a comparison-contrast essay:
1.  To argue that one thing is better than another.
2.  To argue that two things that seem the same are actually different.
3.  To argue that two things that seem different but are actually alike.

Suggested Guidelines

1. (Introduction) For purposes of this essay, for your thesis statement, simply plug in the two religions you wish to discuss. For example . . .
1) Jainism is more socially responsible than Judaism.
2) It would seem that Hinduism and Islam are at about the same level of social    responsibility, but really, they are very different.
3) It would seem that Buddhism and Christianity are very different in terms of social    responsibility, but really, they are very alike.

2. (Body) Discuss the ways these two religions are similar and different in terms of social responsibility. Possible discussion points . . .
1) What is taught in the area of basic morality concerning how people are to relate toeach other?
2) What is emphasized to encourage society to treat people with justice?
3) What provisions are made for the poor, widows and orphans?
4) What provisions are made for women?
5) What do these religions teach concerning the acquisition and distribution of material wealth?
6) What do these religions teach concerning the care of the physical world and the environment?
7) What contributions do these religions make toward the enhancement of the human condition (to make life better)?

3. (Conclusion) In your conclusion you should answer the question So what? For example, What difference does it make that Jainism is more socially responsible than Judaism? How does this relate to our current society? Is there an example to follow or to avoid? How do the teachings from these religions encourage/discourage us to be socially responsible today?