United States foreign policy analysis

Like all other great states in history, the United States is a nation rooted in power.  It is natural, then, for it to pursue a foreign policy devoted to its own power and security; and it should be little surprise that nearly all of its foreign policy reflects this pursuit.

1)  What school of thought does this statement most resemble and why?

2)  Is there anything ( from sources given ) that dissuades you form accepting this argument or parts of it as true about U.S. foreign policy [you may, in effect, dissect the statement if you like, agreeing with some parts and not others]? 

3)  Should the U.S. ever pursue a foreign policy that looks like this?  Does this foreign policy yield anything good or just?  If yes to either or both of these questions, explain why a foreign policy like this is right for the U.S., the hurdles that it might face and ways to overcome those hurdles.  If no to either or both, what alternative would you propose, what might be some of the hurdles in achieving your alternative, and how do you overcome those hurdles.