Students with Autism within the classroom

In this course, you will be researching several aspects of a chosen/approved exceptionality. For this research paper, your job is to think about a potential child that could have a disability/exceptionality. The focus areas for the research will be an overview of exceptionality characteristics, impact on family/home life and educational needs. In this assignment, you can pick any disability that you would like to learn more information about, but remember your main focus is to research specific areas of impact. There are three tiers to this assignment, which will help you to create the best final product that you can create.

Step One: Complete the Library Resources worksheet. (5 Points)

Step Two: Complete the Article Review Worksheet for one of the resources that you found. (5 Points)

Step Three:  Compile your resources into the research paper. You are required to have an introduction section (paper thesis) that communicates to the reader what the paper will cover and also a conclusion (10 Points)

The research paper consists of the following 3 topic areas:

Overview of exceptionality characteristics (1-2 pages)
Impact on Childs Family/home life (1-2 pages)
Educational Needs (1-2 pages)
Step Four:  The Writing Center Verification Visit Form (5 Points)

Step Five:  Review and incorporate feedback from the Writing Center visit into your research paper.  After incorporating the feedback, proofread the entire paper again prior to submitting the paper to the instructor.

NOTE!  The full assessment supplement and grading rubric is included below for your review.