The Health of the Aging and the Elderly in the United States

Instructions: Create a six slide presentation of your course paper. The first slide of the presentation should be your title slide and the following four slides should only include information from your course paper. At least two of the social concepts and the definition used within your paper should be included as part of the presentation. Concepts consists of terms such as: norms, race, deviance, dramaturgy, sanctions etc. The final slide should contain a list of references you used within your paper. Once the presentation is posted, you need to review the presentations posted by your fellow classmates and note the social concepts and definitions presented. The social concepts will be part of the matching question on exam 4. Your presentation should include the following:
1. A title slide with the title of your paper, your name, class information and date
2. Four slides of information from your course paper (data, tables, statistics, the four main points/ ideas presented and at least two of the social concepts used in the paper e.g. social stratification, cultural capital, values, social control, prejudice etc. The concept as well as the definition for the concept should be clearly identifiable within the presentation).
If you completed the community service project the presentation should include a description of your experience, at least two of the social concepts used within the paper and any observations you want to share with the class. Pictures of what you did may be part of the presentation.
If you completed the research paper the presentation should include: the main points presented, important research findings, at least two of the social concepts used within the paper and any important fact you would to share with the class.
If you completed the self-reflection research paper the presentation should include: some of the challenges described, content from the research articles used within the paper to support solutions to the challenges described, at least two of the social concepts used within the paper and any experiences you want to share with the class.
3. A slide containing the references used for your paper.
After posting your presentation; you are encouraged to review the presentations posted by your fellow classmates and note the social concepts as well as the definitions presented. The social concepts from the presentations may be used as part of the matching question on exam four.