Using Analytics in Business

Using Analytics in Business
A Note About Discussions
Many discussions in this course are different from those in other MBA courses. In this course, some discussions offer opportunities to practice the skills required to complete assignments successfully. This provides a way for learners with no background in analytics to get feedback and experience before submitting an assignment for grading. Those of you who have worked with analytics will be able to share your knowledge and experience with your peers and demonstrate qualities of whole-person leadership.

Discussion Resources
Watch and read the following:

Effective Job Search Strategies [Video].

Job Search Workbook [PDF].

Results and Accomplishments Statements [PDF].

Lind, D. A., Marchal, W. G., & Wathen, S. A. (2022). Basic statistics in business and economics (10th ed.). McGraw-Hill.

Chapter 1, “What Is Statistics?”
This chapter explains why studying analytics and statistics is essential in business today and introduces basic concepts you will use in writing your assignment.

Think of the business context in which you work or would like to work. Based on your readings in which analytics are defined, give one example of an application of analytics or statistics in your business. How could leaders in your business use data analysis results to make a business decision?

What metrics or analytics can you demonstrate on your resume that show your accomplishments in your current or previous role? For example, did you increase sales by 10%? Did you increase productivity by X%?