General Psychology Course Reflection

Course Reflection (Scroll Down to Read All Parts)

Reflective writing is similar to writing a journal. Its the process of looking back over your experience and noting what was important, inspiring, helpful, or applicable to you as a learner, a future employee or in other personal ways.

Directions: Select THREE concepts that you learned in this course that you found interesting, memorable, and applicable to the real world (or to your personal life in some way). Be specific rather than saying “mental illness” (too general)… select one type of mental illness such as bipolar (for one of the three concepts). For the next concept, select something different not from chapter 12 on mental illness. You may want to write your work on your computer (save) and then copy/paste your work into the “Create Thread” for the class. You must post first before you’ll see the work of others.

Paragraph One: Introduction

Provide an introduction to your post that gives an overview of your experience learning about psychological principles in this class. Did the course help you learn more about the diverse nature of the human experience? Did the course help you gain new insights concerning yourself and others? Did the course help you to become a deeper thinker/learner overall? Explain with examples in your introduction. (About +50 words)

Paragraph Two: Concept #1 (Example: Stages of Sleep. This is an example; you pick your own concept.)

Explain the concept in your own words and explain why it was interesting/memorable for you; then, describe how the theory is relevant to todays world and/or to your own personal life. (About +75 words)

Paragraph Three: Concept #2 (Example: Information Processing Model of Memory. This is an example; you pick your own concept.)

Explain the concept in your own words and explain why it was interesting/memorable for you; then, describe how the theory is relevant to todays world and/or to your own personal life. (About +75 words)

Paragraph Four: Concept #3 (Example: Bipolar. This is an example; you pick your own concept.)

Explain the concept in your own words and explain why it was interesting/memorable for you; then, describe how the theory is relevant to todays world and/or to your own personal life. (About +75 words)

Paragraph Five: Conclusion

Think of a creative way to end the post that would briefly summarize your main points and experiences of learning about psychology.  (About +25 words.)