Read the case and answer task 2 (management class)

Hi again:), before starting explanation just remind you that this class is ‘cybersecurity management’ class!!! So, you already have read this case right, and we did finished task1. This time please help me with task 2. And PLEASE read the task 1 answers again, because since its the group work my group members and i have fixed and added each other’s opinion, so yeah before starting task 2 please have a look for task 1 answers and do the task 2. I think 100~150 words are fine:)

Basically, you need to answer this below question. (You can refer to the example)
– Design new company policies for dealing with the situation above and preventing it from happening again. You will be graded on the thoughtfulness and depth of your answers.

Example answer 1.
Focus on company secret Security Program(Password policy) – Establish a password for accessing the sensitive data. The password will always be changed and can only be effective for a certain amount of time (For example: 24 hours). Once the time has passed the employee needs to ask for a new password from their boss. By doing this, it can minimize the potential of leaking as the control to information can be regulated by this password system.

Example 2: Using company laptop that has security program inside = used for work / remote work / Record the time / data access per IP address.