strategic management

Business strategy focuses on improving the competitive position of a companys or business units products
or services within the specific industry or market segment that the company or business unit serves. (Hunger
& Wheelen, 2015)
Michael Porter proposes two generic competitive strategies for outperforming other corporations in a
particular industry: lower cost and differentiation. (Porter, Competitive Strategy, 1980).
You are required to select two organisations that utilise each of Porters strategies (i.e. one organisation
utilizing a low cost strategy and another organisation utilizing a differentiated strategy) and discuss how
these organisations implement their chosen strategy to gain competitive advantage.
In addition to illustrating how each organization implements its business strategy, your report should address
the risks and requirements associated with each competitive strategy.
Table of contents on first page
(500 words)
Marks will be awarded for providing the reader with an
understanding of the theme of this report through a
clear and concise introduction
Low Cost Strategy
(750 words)
Marks will be awarded for illustrating how the chosen
organisation has designed, delivers and markets a
comparable service more efficiently than its competitors
Marks will be awarded for identifying and discussing the
risks associated with implementing a low cost strategy
Differentiation Strategy
(750 words)
Marks will be awarded for illustrating how the chosen
organisation has provides unique and superior value to
the buyer in terms of service quality, special features,
Marks will be awarded for identifying and discussing the
risks associated with implementing a differentiation
Requirements for Generic
Competitive Strategies
(500 words)
Marks will be awarded for identifying and discussing the
commonly required skills, resources and organisational
requirements to ensure the feasibility of the chosen
generic strategy.
Conclusions and
(500 words)
Marks will be awarded for the strength of
recommendations and concluding remarks illustrating
clear comprehension of negotiating process

Using Ryanair as the low cost strategy
Using Emirates airline as the differentiation strategy

I Have the Introduction complete

Strategic management in action by mary coulter
Competitive advantage by Michael Porter
Both need to be used as references
Also I use the “cite this for me” to reference
Needs to be used