Research Paper

Topic: related to Software Engineering . The Research Report should consist of a comparative analysis of two programming languages of your choice.

Format: APA style with at least 2,500 words provided of 4 peer-reviewed journal citations


  • Formatting should be double-spaced, one-inch boarders, no extra space for headings, no extra white space, no more than two levels of heading, page numbers, front and back matter).

Required headings:

1) Chapter 1 Introduction, Problem Statement, Goal,Research Questions ,Relevance and Significance, Barriers and Issues  

2) Chapter 2 Literature Review

3) Chapter 3 Methodology Specifics (comparative analysis)

4) Chapter 4 Findings, Data analysis, discussion, Analysis, Synthesis, Discussion , Results

5) Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Recommendations

6) References – APA

7) Appendices

For detailed reference please find attached document about how a research paper is expected to be delivered