
The thrust of this course is to take a book covering a For-Profit organization and a book covering a Not-For-Profit organization and conduct a compare/contrast while recapping and expanding on Leadership Concepts, Traits, Principles and associated aspects that have been covered as core requirements for a Leadership major at UMO.  We will weave those two books together with another book designed to help recap and build upon what you learned in all the LDR courses covered to date.  In those previous LDR courses, you learned about various leadership concepts, ways & principles through course work that covered Leadership Case Studies in Leadership, Innovation, Effective Conflict Resolution, Leading Change, and Creating Effective Teamwork. Now is the time to synthesize, reflect and expand on what you have learned. In this course, we want you to be able to apply the leadership concepts using the case method approach in a Socratic Seminar fashion.
Read Chapters 6 and 7 of Watsons book Leadership Secrets of the Salvation Army (SA), read Chapter 10 of Marriotts book Without Reservations: How a Family Root Beer Stand Grew into a Global Hotel Company (M).
Upload 3 to 5 critical points that answer the following question:
Discussion Question #1:  How does each Organization embrace change and help those that work for the Organization do the same?
Submission criteria: There are 2 parts to this submission:
(1)  Reference 3 to 5 specific events for both Salvation Army and Marriott organizations.
(2)  Then tell us why you choose each of those events to share with us.  In other words, what is significant of each of the events you choose from a Leadership perspective; reference what Leadership principle, concept or value you are applying to this event. Substantial posts should contain 250 words. Additional postings and discussions are encouraged. Proper grammar, spelling, and sentence structure is expected.