
part one

Researchers, experimenters, psychologists, and other scientists collect and analyze information to understand the world around us. In this discussion, identify 1 psychological finding or construct (e.g., social desirability) and describe at least 1 way this finding has been researched or used in experiments.

Please include the following information:

a) the name and explanation of the finding or construct

b) how it was or is studied

c) the impact of this research.

At the heart of our first week of learning is a discernment of qualitative research methods and the space they occupy in social science apart from quantitative methods. In particular, we addressed the role of qualitative research methods as understanding human experience from the inside rather than at a distance from an objective outside.

part 2

Describe your understanding of qualitative research prior to your learning this week. How has it changed? Of the three stances described in Brinkmann (2014) (making the obvious obvious, making the hidden obvious and making the obvious dubious), which are you most drawn to? Finally, provide your overall reaction to this weeks material in the lessons and in Brinkmann (2014) and Watson and Vaidya (2013) given your initial assumptions about qualitative research.