Exp19_Access_App_CapAssessment – Student Loans 1.0

Exp19_Access_App_CapAssessment – Student Loans 1.0


Exp19_Access_App_CapAssessment – Student Loans 1.0

Project Description:

Quill Financial Services has recently started working with student loans. You will build the company’s database. The initial set of financed student loans are stored in an Excel spreadsheet. You have already compiled the list of colleges and universities into an Access table. You will use your expertise to import the information from Excel, modify the table, create relationships, create queries, create forms, and create reports.


To   start, you have been provided with a database the Information Technology   department created. The database has one table. You will be importing an   Excel spreadsheet into a table   and creating a primary key. 

Start Access. Open the   downloaded Access file named Exp19_Access_Ch03_CapAssessment_Student_Loans.accdb.


Import the exploring_acap_grader_a1_Clients.xlsx Excel workbook into a table   named Clients. While importing the data, make   sure to select the option First Row Contains Column Headings, and select   ClientID as the primary key field.


Now that you have imported the   data from the spreadsheet, you will modify the field properties in the   Clients table and demonstrate sorting.

Open the Clients table in Design   view. Change the ClientID field size to 6 and remove the @ symbol from the ClientID format   property. Change the ZIP field size to 5. Change the ExpectedGraduation field to have 0 Decimal Places. Delete the   Comments field. Add a new field named LastContact as the last field in the table.   Change the data type to Date/Time, and change the format to Short Date. Switch   to Datasheet View, and apply Best Fit to all columns. Sort the table on the   LoanAmount field in descending order, then save and close the table.


Now that the table is imported   and modified, you will create a relationship between the Colleges and Clients   tables.

  Open the Relationships window. Add the Clients and Colleges tables to the   window, and create a one-to-many relationship between the CollegeID fields in   the Clients and Colleges tables. Enforce referential integrity between the   two tables and select the cascade updates and cascade delete options. Save   the changes, and close the Relationships window.


Polly Esther, a financial   adviser, would like your assistance in helping her find certain information.   You will create a query for her and demonstrate how she can change information.
  Create a new query using Design view. From the Clients table, add the   LastName, FirstName, Email, Phone, and ExpectedGraduation fields, in that   order. From the Colleges table, add the CollegeName field. Sort the query by   LastName and then FirstName, both in ascending order. Set the criteria in the   ExpectedGraduation field to 2019. Run the query. Save the query as 2019 Graduates and close the query.


Now that you have created the   query, you will create a second query for Polly that will calculate the loan   payments for which each student will be responsible (assuming monthly   payments).

  Create a copy of the 2019 Graduates query. Name the copy Loan Payments and open the query in Design   view. Remove the criteria from the ExpectedGraduation field. Create   calculated field named MonthlyPayment that determines the estimated monthly student loan   payment. The loan will have a fixed rate of 5% interest, paid monthly, for 10   years. Using the Pmt function, replace the rate argument with 0.05/12, the num_periods argument with 10*12, and the present_value argument   with the LoanAmount field. Use 0 for the future_value and type arguments. Format   the field as Currency. 

Run the query. Ensure the   payment displays as a positive number. Add a total row to Datasheet view.   Average the MonthlyPayment field and count the values in the LastName column.   Save and close the query.


Stann Dupp, the director of   finance, needs to summarize information about all of the student loans Quill   Financial Services offers based on each college. You will create a totals   query for him to summarize the number of loans, average loan amount by   college.


Create a new query using Design   View. From the Colleges table, add the CollegeName field. From the Clients   table, add the ClientID and LoanAmount fields. Display the Total row, and   group by CollegeName. Show the count of ClientID and the average LoanAmount.


Change the caption for the   ClientID field to Num Loans, and the caption for LoanAmount to Avg Loan. Format the LoanAmount field as   Standard. Run the query. Save the query as Loan Summary by College and close it.


Jay Walker, one of the companys   administrative assistants, will handle data entry. He has asked you to   simplify the way he inputs information into the Clients table. You will   create a form based on the Clients table.


Create a Split Form using the   Clients table as the source. Change the height of all of the fields and   labels to .25 collectively. Reorder the fields in the bottom half of the split   form so the FirstName displays before the LastName field. Switch to Form view   and click the row for Riya Gonzalez. Change her expected graduation date to 2022. Save the form as Client   Information and   close it.


Stann is hoping you can create a   more print-friendly version of the query you created earlier for him to   distribute to the executives. You will create a report based on the Loan   Payments query.

   Create a report using the Report Wizard. From the Loan Payments query, add   the LastName, FirstName, Email, ExpectedGraduation, CollegeName, and   MonthlyPayment fields. Do not add any grouping or sorting. Ensure the report   is in Landscape orientation. Save the report as Loans by Client and view the report in Layout   view. Adjust the width and position of the fields and labels so that all of   the values are visible. Save the report.


Now that you have included the   fields Stann has asked for, you will work to format the report to make the   information more obvious.

   Apply the Integral theme. Group the report by the ExpectedGraduation field.   Sort the records within each group by LastName then by FirstName, both in   ascending order. Switch to Print Preview mode and verify that the report is   only one page wide (Note: it may be a number of pages long).