GLST 650 Research Paper: Finishing the Great Commission and Intercultural Communication Assignment

Please,  Please read the direction  ( More direction is below)***

Key items to include in this assignment are outlined as follows:

    From the perspective of the Great Commission, with a focus on the role of Christian intercultural communication, research one cross-cultural issue in an overseas context, e.g. Business as Missions (BAM), working with Muslims, sex trafficking, and how Gods people can work together to fulfill the Great Commission. The issue addressed does not have to be something that youve personally experienced.

    ******You will include a conclusion of a minimum 250-words and an evaluation of a minimum of 750-words – in addition to a title page, table of contents, bibliography and cited references – for the Research Paper: Finishing the Great Commission and Intercultural Communication Assignment.

    You will support your assertions with a minimum of 2 textbook resource and 2 outside academic resources.

    Make sure to provide all citations as footnotes.

    Format the assignment following Turabian format with cover page, contents page, paper with an outline, and bibliography.

    ******The submission for Research Paper: Finishing the Great Commission and Intercultural Communication Assignment will include the introduction, Research Paper: CQ Assessment and Research Paper: Local Community and Intercultural Communication, and will be a cumulative paper with a title page, complete table of contents, and bibliography citing all utilized references