6 pages questions paper

Question 1:  

Provide detailed assessment for the following and support your responses with some numerical examples:

What is the F probability distribution? In what way does it differ from a t probability distribution?

In an ANOVA, what is between group difference and what is within group difference?

What is covariance and how does it differ from correlation?

Question 2:(1 page, 2 reference)

Use the article you chose in the Week 2 Discussion to discuss the studys significance to the research field and related professional practice:

The main contribution of the author to the field of study and generalizability of the research findings

 The value of the study for the related professional practice and the social impact of the research

In addition to the textbook, include a minimum of two (2) scholarly references and cite them within the text of your discussion.

Respond to at least one peer enhancing the collaborative learning environment.

  Use this article:

Cerulli, R., Dameri, R., P. & Sciomachen, P. (2018). Operations management in distribution networks within a smart city frame. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 29, 189-205. doi:10.1093/imaman/dpw024

Question 3: (2 pages, 2 reference)

Complete the following section of your final paper:

Significance of the study: (How US universities could recruit more international students)

Justify the expected significance of the proposed study by delineating its potential contribution to the field relevant to your research, professional practice, and the social impact of your research.

Note: you should use non-confirmatory language, such as: 

The potential findings of my study might lead to a better understanding of outsourcing.

The evaluation of employee attitudes could help improve company production.

Question 41 page, 1 reference

      Select a TED Talk video relevant to the business course you are currently enrolled in and/or your internship assignment.
      Describe what information you agree with and the parts you liked or disliked in the video content.
      Summarize it and include the URL reference.