Introduction and General State of Healthcare

Global health organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), are integral to the implementation of global and population health initiatives and are important stakeholders in policymaking. In this module, you will explore the differences between national and international health initiatives such as Healthy People 2020an initiative created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that has a vision of the United States as a society in which all people live long, healthy livesand the Sustainable Development Goals, a global initiative created by the United Nations at the September 2015 summit. You will learn how these initiatives work together to ensure viability of global population health.

You will also explore different systems of disaster planning and emergency planning. You will take an in-depth look at a disaster that has occurred in the country you choose for your country profile assignment in Final Project One. How did the country deal with the disaster? Was the response effective or ineffective? What role, if any, did international organizations like the Red Cross play in dealing with the disaster?

While doing your research, you will find countries have diverse systems and plans with which to deal with the different aspects of disasters. For example, the United States has the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Army Reserve to deal with manpower and monetary resources. Countries in the European Union have their own systems, which need to be approved by the Union. You will find some undeveloped countries have no plan and rely solely on help from the international community.

As you explore these topics, reflect on the role you would have as a masters-prepared professional if a disaster were to happen in your area. This module will give you the foundational knowledge to understand disaster preparedness and introduce you to several online resources useful for researching health.