Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Familiarize yourself with the BIOL180 Course Project Guide.
attached below
——-In week one, you will choose the specific species (plant, animal or fungi) that interests you and create a very short presentation (two to three concise slides) introducing your topic that you will continue to research over the next seven weeks of the course.  You will only choose one (1) species.—–
——2. Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation (or other multimedia program as approved by your instructor)
(2-3 slides) and upload it as a file attachment to your discussion post.—–
3. For instructions on how to create audio narration in PowerPoint, see the following link:
—Record a Slide Show With Narration.
—Your mini-presentation should include the following:
—Your name, date, class name, and Instructor’s name
—Common and scientific names of the organism. If you need help writing a scientific name, check out this great resource from ——Chomchalow (2001): —–

4. Area of residence (city, state, country, etc.)
5. Why you chose this organism
6. Title your file as FirstnameLastname_BIOL180_Pres1.ppt (or pptx).