Preliminary research – Legal

It is just a Preliminary research: you must research applicable state and federal laws and statutes, as well as recent articles.

Employment Law Research Project
As part of this course, you will complete a research project that deals with different issues of employment law. For the project, you are legal counsel for ABC Corporation. As counsel, you will receive an employment claim made by an employee from one of the branches of your Company. As legal counsel for the Company you are required to advise the Company whether the employee or the employer will prevail should litigation be pursued. The CEO has asked you to research the case law (both State and Federal), statutes (both State and Federal), and recent newspaper and journal articles relating to those particular claims.  To determine that answer, you must research applicable state and federal laws and statutes, as well as recent articles. After completing the research, create a correctly formatted legal memo that includes your legal opinion about what claims could be made and how likely the claimant is to prevail citing case law (at least three cases), Federal and State statutes if applicable, and other topical materials if applicable.

The format should be memo format with Proposed Legal Issue/Question, Legal Answer, case laws in support of that answer, proposed solution and resources cited in APA format.

You will also be required to do a PowerPoint summary presentation for the CEO and the Board of Directors (your instructor and fellow students). This presentation should follow a much shorter but similar format to your memo, stating the facts, possible causes of action, your legal opinion on whether the claimant will prevail, your support for that legal opinion and your proposed solution.