Week 3 Discussion

Ethics in Writing

Safe Assign is a measurement of ethical writing.  It measures how much of your writing is not your own words and sentences.  Writing that is not your words and sentences is also referred to as unoriginal content.  It is measured by Safe Assign as a percentage of the total words and sentences in your Assignment.  For instance, a Safe Assign score of 18% means 18% of the paper was unoriginal content. 

Review the What is Plagiarism _3_.mp4  and avoiding plagiarism.JPG .
Review the https://library.strayer.edu/sws/generator (also available from the Library tab in Blackboard)
Post your response to the following:

How can a student avoid their work being flagged by SafeAssign?
Can a paper with a high Safe Assign score be reported to Academic Integrity and receive sanctions up to and including expulsion?
Go to a page on your selected companys website, using the Citation Generator, create and post a Source List citation.
Ethics in Business

Have you witnessed unethical practices in the workplace? 

If so, share your experience with the class and explain how this impacted your perception of the business. 
If not, find a current example of unethical business practices, share the source, and explain how you would have handled this situation differently.