Topic 1 TCP and UDP Topic 2 DHCP

The Reports purpose is for you to demonstrate your detailed knowledge of the topic.
This report will be checked for plagiarism using “Turnitin”. Copying and pasting content from other sources does not show you have any personal knowledge of the subject and will result in a zero grade.
You may only use diagrams that you personally have created.
You need to explain both the topics in technical detail, such that a person that is not familiar with the report topic can understand and implement the topic.

The topics are:
Topic 1 TCP and UDP
Topic 2 DHCP

One report with 2 Sections one Section for topic 1 and one Section for topic 2.

Only Microsoft word files will be accepted.

This file is how the report is to be formatted: Report 2 Format Specifications.docx The Reports purpose is for you to demonstrate your detailed knowledge of the topic.
This report will be checked for plagiarism using “Turnitin”. Copying and pasting content from other sources does not show you have any personal knowledge of the subject and will result in a zero grade.
You may only use diagrams that you personally have created.
You need to explain both the topics in technical detail, such that a person that is not familiar with the report topic can understand and implement the topic.

The topics are:
Topic 1 TCP and UDP
Topic 2 DHCP

One report with 2 Sections one Section for topic 1 and one Section for topic 2.

Only Microsoft word files will be accepted.

This file is how the report is to be formatted: Report 2 Format Specifications.docx