Eating disorders

instructions For this assignment choose one of the following eating disorders: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, or Binge Eating Disorder. Search the literature within the past ten years and discuss the criteria and symptoms of the disorder. Then discuss the genetic/biological and neurological etiology of the disorder. After discussing the possible causes of this disorder, discuss the neurological treatments for this disorder ending with a discussion of the direction of future research and conclusions. This assignment should contain a minimum of six empirical research studies on the causes and treatments of this disorder. This assignment should be 5 to 6 pages excluding the title page, abstract, and reference section. Scholarly research must be current (research cannot be older than ten years) with a focus on the genetic and biological components of the disorder and treatment. Writing should be at a graduate level with complete, well-developed sentences and paragraphs and written in APA format 7th ed. Proper APA in-text references, title page, and full-text reference pages should be utilized. Block-style or frequent quoting will result in formatting/writing deductions. Students should preview the grading rubric for further direction and information before they begin the writing process. Include the 5 required subheadings below in your paper. 1.Introduction and criteria 2.Symptoms 3.Genetic etiology and neurological causes explained 4.Neurological treatments explained 5.Direction of future research and conclusions