Counter Argument Paragraph on Online Learning

So far this week we have looked at how to form a counter argument. Write a 150-200 word counter argument for your paper. A counter argument doesn’t work for every paper but at least try to refer to some opposing views, limitations of your research or alternative reasons in your paragraph. These kinds of concessions are common in academic writing and can help to build credibility.

First establish the alternative views through paraphrase or citation of articles you have found. Then, refute these claims with evidence, criticism or analysis of your own.

You may use this paragraph in your research paper next week if the feedback is positive.

These terms may be useful but be flexible and use your own language where you can:

To present opposing views:

Some critics argue that…
A common argument against X is Y
While it might appear that…
It is easy to think that…
To refute those views:

However, it should be noted that…
Nevertheless, these arguments don’t hold up because…
Although that does hold some weight, …
In any case, the evidence clearly shows…